Unspeakable Visions of the Individual [First 8 Issues of This Beat-Era Literary Journal]
A contiguous set comprising the first three volumes (eight total issues) of this literary journal, which anthologized the later output of Beat-era writers. Published and edited by the husband-and-wife duo of Arthur and Kit "Glee" Knight, who took the journal's title from Jack Kerouac's "Belief & Technique for Modern Prose," a methodological "list of essentials" composed at the prompting of Allen Ginsberg. To the best of our knowledge, the journal went on to run through fourteen volumes, issued in various formats, many of which, to some confusion, had other primary titles: "The Beat Diary," "The Beat Road," etc.
California, PA: The Unspeakable Visions of the Individual / TUVOTI, 1971-1973. Quarto; first three issues side-stapled, subsequently saddle-stapled; printed black-and-white wraps.